This month we are offering a maintenance package to get your furnace ready for winter.
Airflow problems can reduce your system's efficiency by up to 15 percent.
An innocent amount refrigerant will make your system less efficient.
Dirty coils cause the system to run longer just to complete the same tasks, increasing energy consumption.
A damaged heat exchanger causes improper burner operation.
A dirty filter can increase energy costs and damage your quipment – which can add up very quickly.
Faulty electrical
Make sure your cooling and heating system lowers to save energy while you are out of the building.
Parts that lack lubrication cause friction in motors and increases electricity consumption.
A plugged drain can cause water damage and affect humidity levels in your building.
Ensure the system starts, operats, and shuts off in a timely way in case you need to shut it down in the event of a grid emergency.